MicrobMonitor2® Test Kit
发布日期 :2025-01-22 09:27访问:3次发布IP:编号:6590429
MicrobMonitor2®is a simple, uniquely quantitative test, which delivers an easily understood numerical contamination level.It uses the reliable and trusted colony forming unit (CFU) technology and indicates the severity of contamination and not just the presence of microbes as with “go, no-go” tests.
MicrobMonitor®2 provides a reliable, fully-quantitative assessment of microbiological contamination in fuels, oils and associated waters, in accordance with ASTM D7978 and IP613. This easy-to-use test kit can be used in the field or in lab and allows users to detect microbial growth before it becomes a problem.相关产品 相关分类 |
产品分类 信息搜索 上海恩莱保贸易有限公司